Monday, January 5, 2015

Essential Oils & Dance

Welcome to the essential oils blog for dancers and dance therapists!

You do not need to be a dancer to benefit from these holistic tips and tricks, however you may need to purchase a Dictionary of Ballet Terms and Definitions if there are French words that you are unfamiliar with.

I created this blog to offer insight into holistic ways of treating injuries, managing stress, and maintaining optimal   mental stamina during those extra long rehearsals and performances!

In the upcoming weeks we will be discussing 9 Oils that will change your life both in and out of the dance room. I hope to give you the information necessary to make informed decisions about the products that you use and to inspire you to start your own essential oils journey.

After researching the quality (or lack of quality) in the essential oils market I have found a company that I absolutely love, Young Living. They are completely obsessive about the plants used in their oils to the point that they have their own farms and strict soil requirements. For new land to even be considered as a possible location for a Young Living farm it can't have been farmed in the last 200 years!

As we start this informational journey in 2015, I highly recommend that you acquire a Young Living Premium Starter Kit (with Bamboo Diffuser) so that you can try these remedies at home and experience first hand the benefits there of. Member/Sponsor Code: #2187161

Who am I?

I work as a process analyst in the information technology field, dance with the "In His Steps" ballet company (whenever I get the chance), and teach essential oils classes in the Finger Lakes Region in Upstate New York.

"Geek by Day, Ballerina by Night, Essential Oils Advocate in Between" and as my husband has reminded me, I am his all of the time. I have been studying essential oils for the last two years, and they have changed how I view commercial medicine, my cleaning products, and even what I eat!

"In His Steps" Resident Company of the Seneca School of Performing Arts

Practically bursting out of my soft shoes to pass on what I have learned....

so stay tuned!


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